Main Section Tomorrow afternoon in Skopje a peaceful gathering will be held in solidarity...

Tomorrow afternoon in Skopje a peaceful gathering will be held in solidarity with refugees

Tomorrow at 12 am, at the Macedonia Square, a peaceful rally will be held in solidarity with the refugees. The event was created on social network site  “Facebook”, organized by the leftist movement “Solidarity”.

“We, the citizens and progressive forces will come out on the 12th of September, the European Day of Action in solidarity with refugees who are fleeing from all forms of terror and violence, war, occupation and exploitation. We call on all progressive citizens to join us at this peaceful gathering and stand against the complicity of our governments in a world where borders become walls, with growing inequality and militarism, in which the differences between ethnicities, nationalities, refugees and migrant groups are growing. Escaping violence, exploitation, and war has become a crime, where we are  sold a false dream that secure borders means a secure and safe life, ” say’s the invitation to the gathering.