World Balkans Tsipras nominates Provopulos for President

Tsipras nominates Provopulos for President

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras nominated Prokopis Pavlopoulos, former minister of New Democracy, as a candidate for President of Greece. Provopulos is a surprise because we recently vociferously heard the name of the current Greek Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos as favorite for President. Greek Parliament tomorrow afternoon will have to vote for president, and considering that it is a nominee of New Democracy, it is likely that he would be voted without any major problems. Provopulos’ candidacy is also supported by coalition partners of SYRIZA, Independent Greeks.

Pavlopoulos was heard as a possible candidate for president in the last few days. Pavlopoulos has a long political career, he was Secretary to the President Michail Stasinopoulos in 1974, a government spokesman of coalition government Zolota from 1989 to 1990, and in 1995 he started working as a political adviser to President Miltijadis Evert. From 1996 to the present, he is always part of the Greek Parliament as a member of New Democracy. Within the Government of New Democracy, he was Minister of the Interior from 2004 to 2009.

Tsipras said he is confident that Pavlopoulos is a candidate who will be able to unite the Greek people, a man with a strong national consciousness and therefore will have the approval and support of the people and the Parliament. He noted that although the proposal for president from the Left as proposed by membership of SYRIZA sounds reasonable, in these moments is required candidate who will have broad support and acceptance by the people and the Parliament.

Party River also nominated a candidate for President of Greece. Constitutional law professor Nikos Alivizatos nominated the head of the party, Stavros Theodorakis.