The preparations for the elections started, the Government behested SEC to update the electoral register

During today’s session, the Government adopted a Decree with which it tasked the Ministry of Interior (MoI) in a period of one day after the decree enters into force, to submit to the State Election Commission (SEC) a list of citizens that have applied for issuing a new ID card or passport, and have collected them starting from the day of scheduling the elections until the day when this decree has entered into force. Also, MoI has to submit a list of persons that will turn 18 up to the Election day i.e. on the 22nd day from the day the state of emergency ends, informed the Government.

The Decree determines that SEC will register ex officio the data for these citizens in the electoral register.

Upon receiving data from SEC, the Ministry of Health, in accordance with the protocols issued by the Infectious Diseases Committee, will have to provide face masks, gloves and other necessary protective gear for all of the members of the electoral organs and disinfectants for each polling station.