The Pope Francis sent messages of peace, coexistence, and greater love towards God during the mass in Skopje

Pope Francis held a mass today at the Macedonia square that was attended by the government, 15.000 people of this country including worshippers from abroad. The Pope sent messages of peace, coexistence and greater love towards God and towards the people.

After reading excerpts from the Gospel and the prayers, the Pope addressed messаges from Jesus’ speech. During the mass, the attendees received the holy communion.

He thanked Bishop Kiro Stojanov for his contributions for organizing this event including the contributions of the priests, the friars, and the believers.

-I send my gratitude to civilian authorities, the forces of law and order and the volunteers. The Lord knows best how to reward each of you. On my part, I will carry you in my prayers and I pray that you pray for me as well – said the Pope.

Bishop Kiro Stojanov expressed his gratitude for Pope’s visit of his small Catholic community including his blessings fr the building of sanctuaries in honor of Mother Theresa and apostle Paul.

After the ceremony that took place at the square, the Pope visited the bishopric of the Catholic church at Vodno where there will be a holy lunch and he will rest.

Before arriving at the square with his popemobile, the Pope also visited the Mother Theresa’s memorial house where he met with the leaders of the religious communities and citizens of vulnerable categories.

Pope Francis’ visit will end with a mass for the belivers at the Catholic Church from where at 18h he will leave the country.