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The Parliament has to pass a declaration for speeding up the reforms from the “3-6-9” plan

The Parliamentary Commission for European Issues at today’s session, on which agenda is the Government’s reformatory plan “3-6-9” has to pass a declaration for speeding up the reformatory and integrative process for Macedonia’s membership in the European Union and NATO.

The aim of the declaration, as was stated in the Commission’s expose, is to “confirm the consensual and non-party dedication regarding the joint efforts for realization of the country’s strategic determination for a membership in the EU and NATO, for which there is an approval from all political participants that are part of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia starting from the country’s independence until reaching the final goal.”

At the Commission’s session, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and VP for European Issues, Bujar Osmani, should present the “3-6-9” plan and apart from them, the President of the Parliament, Talat Xhaferi and the President of the Parliamentary Commission for European Issues Artan Grubi, will also address.