The leaders’ meeting will not take place today as there are no conditions for reaching a consensus, states the government

The government informs that the conditions for reaching a consensus for organizing a leader’s meeting that was scheduled for today, haven’t been met and it will not happen.

“The Government refuses to accept ultimatums from VMRO-DPMNE’s irresponsible party president who places the protection of crimes and the efforts for blockades and isolations in front of the state interests that are directed towards the country’s progress. On the 15th of June, the Government’s President, Zoran Zaev, at an open event has summoned the presidents of VMRO-DPMNE, DUI, and the Alliance of the Albanians at a leaders’ meeting with a goal to unite the contributions for closing the reformatory processes in the judiciary, the Election Code, including the implementation of the census as subjects of special significance for the citizens and for our country, before the start of the negotiations for EU accession. Unfortunately, VMRO-DPMNE’s President Hristijan Mickoski, instead of accepting a principled talk and agreement about the new Election Code, has chosen to stand on the other side of the citizens’ interests, on the opposite side of the country’s interest and has fled from the talks” informs the government

The Government also states that “these key subjects for prolonging the reforms and the country’s economic development are downgraded by Mickoski with an alibi requests that are in the interest of party profits”

“he refused to see that the leaders’ meeting is a possibility to secure a legislative until the next elections that is acceptable to all, with implemented recommendations from ODHIR and with a possibility of opening a debate and a new election model. It indicates that the goal was not to talk about early elections but to break away from this subject as well. Instead of accepting that it is time for an agreement in the benefit of the legal state and the rule of law, including the implementation of the public prosecution system with the implemented SPO in order to achieve justice without selection, which these days is on the rise, Mickoski remains firm on his positions to defend the crimes of his predecessors and political mentors. Unfortunately, VMRO-DPMNE’s party leader cannot recognize the importance of reaching a consensus that the census mustn’t be politicized and that all political parties should oblige themselves to allow all conditions in order for a successful census to be organized” states the press release.

Today, at the press conference that will start at 14h, Zaev will inform about the reasons for the delay of the leaders’ meeting including the steps that will be taken.