Main Section The government’s measures for fighting pollution entered into force this morning

The government’s measures for fighting pollution entered into force this morning

Due to the measured high concentrations of hazardous particles above 200 micrograms at two measuring stations, the government’s measures for fighting pollution will enter into force, announced the government’s spokesperson Mile Boshnjakovski at today’s press conference.

Boshnjakovski announced that the measures have entered into force this morning at 9.30h.

Among other things, the measures include days off for pregnant women, persons with chronic ailments and persons older than 60years. The measures also include a decrease of bus tickets or a free public transportation, increase of controls at building sites, the working hours of building sites to be between 11-17 h and MOI to control the movement of heavy vehicles i.e. to use the ring road around Skopje.

Boshnjakovski stated that the Skopje’s local government will be deciding upon this measure and will come out with its information for the public.

When asked about the public transportation, Boshnjakovski said that the decision for decreasing bus tickets or a free transportation should be made by the municipality of Skopje.