MKD Thaci and Robert de Groot discuss the political crisis in Tetovo

Thaci and Robert de Groot discuss the political crisis in Tetovo

DPA leader Menduh Thaci today at the party headquarters in Tetovo met with a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, led by the Director-General for European Cooperation of the Dutch Foreign Ministry, Robert de Groot.

The meeting focused on the country’s political crisis and the views of the DPA party to overcome the situation and other issues of common interest.

“Thaci at the meeting elaborated on the DPA’s proposal to lead the country out of the political crisis and to accelerate the process of European integration. In this regard, Thaci said that disputes between Macedonian parties are virtual and Macedonia’s real problem is the name dispute and interethnic relations, or specifically the rights of the Albanians, so that without resolving the name dispute and interethnic relations this process does not make sense ” , said a statement from the DPA.