MKD TAV on case with Mijalkov: It was a human error, internal investigation...

TAV on case with Mijalkov: It was a human error, internal investigation is ongoing

The company TAV that manages Skopje’s Airport “Alexander the Great” began an internal investigation to determine how the Former Director of the Security and Counter-intelligence (SCI) Sasho Mijalkov managed to pass airport controls with a gun in his suitcase, said the company, reported the web portal “Libertas“.

The same statement was posted by the weekly magazine “Fokus” on its web site, in which TAV claims that the incident was down to an “individual, human error.”

“Skopje airport follows all security procedures required under international and local regulations. This was an isolated case which was a mistake due to human error in the application of safety procedures which the airport always follows. All necessary steps will be taken in order to avoid similar incidents occurring in the future. An Internal investigation is ongoing and anyone who is found responsible for this incident will bear the consequences under the rules and regulations of the company, ” stated TAV.