Tags CSO

Tag: CSO

CSOs and experts warn of dangers posed by the new UN cybercrime treaty

A large array of civil society organizations and experts  has called on the state delegations participating in the concluding session of the United Nations (UN) Ad Hoc Committee to ensure that the proposed Cybercrime Convention is narrowly focused on tackling cybercrime, and not used as a tool to undermine human rights. In their joint statement, the signatories - organizations from...

Stanka Parac Damjanović, Balkan Network for Local Democracy: CSOs and local authorities are the “natural” partners

Stanka Parac Damjanovic, senior trainer and pedagogue, has a long standing professional experience as an NGO practitioner working in civil society development, education for active citizenship and good governance at local level. Her primary area of engagement is related with capacity building, research and awareness raising activities targeting civil society organisations and local self-governments. Long years of working with...

Comparative analysis: Citizen participation in Western Balkans

Under the work of the project “CSOs Networking for Better Local Democracy in the Balkans", funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and implemented by the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN), three comparative studies were done that examine the level of citizen participation in decision-making locally within the WB6. Each of them takes an extensive analysis...

Looking forward and looking back – Experience of regional CSOs co-operation and networking in the Western Balkans

Regional CSOs networking in the Balkans has become an increasingly challenging effort for the most of organizations engaged in regional initiatives fostering human rights, democracy, good governance, rule of law, reconciliation or socio economic development. One can note at least three reasons for this unenviable situation facing both formal and informal regional CSO networks since 2020 – Covid 19...