Main Section “Student plenum”: We will boycott, we will block and we will occupy

“Student plenum”: We will boycott, we will block and we will occupy

All our letters to institutions were rejected, except the one to the President, who said that he will decide as a statesman. Does he know how a statesman should respect the Constitution, asked Ana Neshovski from “Student plenum” in front of the Assembly of Macedonia today.

– This law violates the autonomy. If it’s passed, tomorrow we should dissolve the faculties. I want to ask the Minister Abdilakim Ademi if we will receive our diplomas at a quiz with five questions. Should we bring a party membership cards, as it is the case with the employment? If this happens, we will take radical actions: we will boycott, we will block and we will occupy. University is ours and we will reclaim it – said Neshovska.

A performance of runners, who ran around banners, referring to the speed at which MPs voted amendments to laws on education in the first reading, was held in front of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.

The audience was also addressed by Petrit Sarachini, who said that Government had enough time to change its mind about these amendments.

– Public discussions and debates failed. The Government ignores the students and their demands, so it only remained to protest in order for the academic world to fight for European education. Maybe someone will say that this is an opposition protest, but it is not the case. This is a gathering of students, citizens, who are fighting for a better tomorrow – said Sarachini.

Representatives of “Professorial plenum” call on all citizens to gather in front of the Assembly of Macedonia tonight at 7 pm to bury the murdered democracy.