Students and professors: Will take actions, but are waiting for Ivanov to react

Professorial and student plenums still don’t plan taking any concrete steps after the MPs yesterday passed the Law on higher education. Representatives of both plenums say that they don’t intend to give up the demand for withdrawal of the disputed law, but they still don’t know what their next steps would be.

Zhaneta Trajkovska from “Professorial plenum” says they now await the decision of the President Gjorgje Ivanov.

– Once again yesterday, we published the open letter to Ivanov and will now leave room to see if he decides to sign or not to sign the Law on higher education. In the meantime, we will have coordination and meetings to plan our next actions – says Professor Trajkovska.

The fight of “Student plenum” continues as well. Young plenum members yesterday announced that they will not give up. They announced that students will not subside and that they feel civil liability to protect free thought. They say that the authorities cannot be absolute and therefore they will boycott, they will block and they will occupy.

Darko Malinovski says that they are still consolidating and that will soon come up with concrete actions.

– We won’t give up in any case. We will come up with concrete measures within the next few days, but this won’t stop here – says Malinovski.