Main Section SPO: We aren’t conducting a pre-trial procedure against prosecutor Vladimir Miloshevski

SPO: We aren’t conducting a pre-trial procedure against prosecutor Vladimir Miloshevski

The Special Persecutor’s Office has issued a denial that it is conducting a pre-trial procedure against the public prosecutor at the prosecution for prevention of organized crime and corruption, Vladimir Miloshevski. SPO has confirmed that the political party SDSM has lodged a lawsuit against Miloshevski and other people and that the lawsuit is still investigated.

“This public prosecutor has received a criminal lawsuit which was lodged by SDSM against public prosecutor Vladimir Milosehvski and other unknown people, for which a case was opened by this public prosecutor’s office. The pre-trial procedure regarding this case is not conducted against a specific person but is conducted as an event within which frame certain criminal-legal aspects will be investigated connected to the allegations stated in the criminal file. Accordingly, the information that a pre-trial procedure is conducted against prosecutor Vladimir Miloshevski by this prosecutor’s office is not correct” as was stated in SPO’s denial.