MKD Spasovski: SDSM will return the people to the country and provide everyone...

Spasovski: SDSM will return the people to the country and provide everyone with a decent life

Citizens are giving their support to SDSM to uphold the process of open and fair elections, Macedonia will receive a Government elected by the people, not by non-existent voters, the Government has to be recognized by all, with full legitimacy, said SDSM Secretary General and Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski while visiting the residents of Demir Hisar.
“SDSM stands firmly of its view that the next elections in Macedonia must be free, fair and regular. That is why we require a cleansed and renewed Voters’ List and the media should have an obligation to report objectively”, Spasovski said.
Visiting the villages Edinakovtsi, Suvodol and Slepce, Mr Spasovski told citizens said that SDSM will return people to the country, and will keep those who are here and provide everyone with a decent life.