Main Section Gathering of VMRO-DPMNE in Shtip: Buses arrived, drones flew

Gathering of VMRO-DPMNE in Shtip: Buses arrived, drones flew

Today in the sports hall “Jordan Mijalkov” Shtip in 1 pm, the ruling VMRO-DPMNE will hold big national gathering as part of the caravan of gatherings of the party, organized around the country.
Supporters of the party are already gathering in Shtip. On the streets there are buses with Kumanovo, Skopje and Ohrid plates.
The rows of supporters and the gathering will be recorded by two drones.
According already checked and used tactics, members and supporters are summoned via SMS, and, on the party meetings, each present received the obligation to bring as much people as possible.
In this context is the “Facebook” status of the President of Shtip branch of SDSM Vladimir Miloshev.
“Dictatorship in its act! On the occasion of tomorrow “all-national” gathering of DPMNE in Shtip, head nurses and “coordinators” in Clinical Hospital are hurrying to make lists. Not only employees, but also their families must be present at the gathering. Come on people…do you have at least a little conscience, shame and dignity?! I understand that you are doing your duty, but leave people alone. Can’t you see that there is no beauty with pressure,” wrote Miloshev on “Facebook”.
On the gathering of the VMRO-DPMNE should address party leader Nikola Gruevski, as well as other prominent members of the party.
Sports hall “Jordan Mijalkov”, which will the gathering will be held, has a capacity of 400 seats, but, according to experts, the facility can accommodate up to 5,000 people.