Gallery “Colourful Revolution” coloured the lions on the Goce Delchev Bridge

“Colourful Revolution” coloured the lions on the Goce Delchev Bridge

Balloons with paint that probably were intended for the building of the Constitutional Court ended up on the lion sculptures at the beginning of Goce Delchev Bridge.

A strong police cordon with armoured vehicles and members of the Rapid Deployment Unit (RDU) were on both lanes at the beginning of the bridge, and did not allow the demonstrators to pass the bridge and reach their destination which had originally been announced – the Constitutional Court.

On the bridge there were no incidents between police and protesters.

Citizens in the front lines stood face to face with police and chanted “No justice no peace” and “Resign” and then began colouring the lions.

From there, protesters peacefully marched in front of the government building, where they ended the protest with chants of “Imprison the Mafia” and “Even with a pardon, you can not escape prison Nikola.”

The protest, as every day, began at 18:00, in front of the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office, where protesters start their march by supporting the Special Prosecutor’s Office.