MKD Shilegov: The children from the Christmas parades were not abused for religious...

Shilegov: The children from the Christmas parades were not abused for religious purposes

The Mayor of the City of Skopje believes that the children who took part in yesterday’s Christmas Eve parade, were not used or abused for religious or political purposes.

According to him, the mayors of the municipalities and the City of Skopje met all requests of the citizens, for providing bus transport for the children.

“The initiative came from the parents themselves, who consciously took their children into that initiative. We, as the City of Skopje, just came out and encountered the needs for transport for the children by buses”, Shilegov replied to a journalist’s question, after the Christmas liturgy at the Cathedral “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Skopje.

Yesterday, certain associations and civil initiatives reacted to the participation of children in the Christmas parades that were held in several cities in the country, as part of Christmas Eve and Christmas celebrations.