MKD SDSM’s program is a basis for upgrading, said Besa

SDSM’s program is a basis for upgrading, said Besa

The program that was presented yesterday by SDSM is a framework that has to be upgraded in order to be all encompassing even for issues that refer to the Albanians as the second largest nation in Macedonia, said today the Besa Movement.

Besa didn’t want to comment on SDSM’s program because the mandate for forming a government still hasn’t been granted.

The mandate approval by the president to SDSM is still blocked, a process that creates an opportunity for starting the negotiations for creating a government. That is why we won’t be commenting until then, and after the mandate is given, we shall state our opinion with comments and suggestions, all for the purpose of achieving an all-encompassing government program, certainly, with hopes that it will happen” said Besa and further saying that they still have differences with SDSm regarding the interpretation of the constitutional provisions that refer to the use of the Albanian language.