MKD SDSM filed new charges against Gruevski, Janakieski and Trajanovski

SDSM filed new charges against Gruevski, Janakieski and Trajanovski

SDSM today filed criminal charges against Nikola Gruevski, Mile Janakieski, Koce Trajanovski and other persons who are directly involved in criminal and corrupt practices in connection with the parcels on Vodno to the Public Prosecution for organized crime and corruption.
The crimes for which the charges were filed are criminal association, money laundering and abuse of official position and authority.
– As evidence to the criminal charges, despite recordings presented in public, we also supply a detailed documentation as well. The documentation shows that Gruevski and his associates deliberately bought parcels at drastically lower prices than the market prices. Then, by order of Gruevski, changes to the general urban plan and detailed urban plan were made. With all actions, Gruevski and collaborators gained illegal profit of 17 million euros. Money originating from criminal acts was used to purchase these parcels. For the transfer of these funds were used foreign legal entities established in countries where it is permissible founders to be anonymous to the public and who established companies with high share capital in cash in the Republic of Macedonia – said Damjan Manchevski, vice-president of SDSM.