Main Section SDSM made the suggestion while VMRO-DPMNE has nothing against the media participating...

SDSM made the suggestion while VMRO-DPMNE has nothing against the media participating in negotiations

SDSM made the suggestion while the VMRO-DPMNE has nothing against the media and journalists’ associations participating in the negotiations of the working groups that discuss issues about the media. Robert Popovski, President of the working group of SDSM for discussions over the media today at a press conference in front of the MPs Clubhouse said the proposal the media and NGOs to participate in the negotiation process will make a statement to the representatives from the political parties.
Ilija Dimovski, the negotiator from the VMRO-DPMNE says they will act on what is arranged by the political parties in the MPs Clubhouse, but doubts the sincerity of the intentions of the SDSM.

“This proposal will be proof who is for democracy and who is not. We had regular consultations with journalist associations, pointing out everything that was negotiated in the MPs Clubhouse”, said Popovski.
He said the SDSM remains behind their proposals for the full de-politicisation of the bodies that govern the media, such as the Agency for Media and MRTV. The question of where to draw ideas on these proposals, Popovski said that their suggestions are offered based on the Priebe reports , OSCE and the EU.
Dimovski said that VMRO-DPMNE is categorically against the proposals and will not accept censorship in the media no matter which party makes the proposal.