MKD SDSM calls Jolevski to reveal the conversation he had with Congressman Rohrabacher

SDSM calls Jolevski to reveal the conversation he had with Congressman Rohrabacher

The Minister of Defense from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE, Zoran Jolevski has to explain what was discussed during his meeting with the American Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and whether the meeting was instigated because of the Congressman’s controversial statements about the partition of Macedonia, said today SDSM’s spokesperson, Petre Shilegov at a press conference.

He stressed that it is inadmissible that a Minister of Defense should be using privileges in order to organize private trips and meetings around the world, and after that statements that Macedonia will fall apart to start circulating.

Yesterday, the Prizma portal published that the Ministry of Defense had confirmed for BIRN that Jolevski on the 2nd of February had  met with Congressman Dana Rohrabacher during his visit to the USA.

A few days later, on the 6th of February, the American Congressman, who is also a Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia, in an interview for the Albanian television “Vizion Plus” stated that “Macedonia is not a country” and that it should be divided between Kosovo and Bulgaria.