Main Section Parliament votes on referendum with 68 votes in favor, while VMRO-DPMNE walk...

Parliament votes on referendum with 68 votes in favor, while VMRO-DPMNE walk out

Parliament has voted on the referendum over the name that will be of a consultative nature and will be held on September 30, with 68 votes in favor and no votes against. The ballot question will be: Are you for EU and NATO membership by accepting the Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece.

The parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE submitted two amendments, but MPs were not present to explain them, so Parliament rejected them with 65 votes “against” and none “for” the first amendment, and with 64 votes “against” for the second amendment.

I know this decision is not easy. I know that it is a very serious matter for all of us at times and painful, but the EU and NATO are the only alternative we have, said the coordinator of the SDSM Parliamentary Group, Tomislav Tuntev, at the parliamentary session for formally announcing the referendum on the name.

Nikola Micovski from VMRO-DPMNE asked why the referendum will be of a consultative nature, eben though Prime Minister Zoran Zaev promised that it will be binding and said that the issue is not precisely formulated, which misleads citizens.
Redzep Memedi from Besa said his party will support the referendum because Macedonia’s NATO membership is key to security in the region.
Dzhevat Ademi from DUI emphasized that everyone will bear the responsibility on which side of history they stood and urged colleagues from VMRO-DPMNE to return to the hall and become part of the historical process.