EC report published: Macedonia is going through the most severe political crisis since 2001

Today, Macedonia’s progress report from the European Commission received a conditional recommendation for a start for EU accession talks.

The report points out that “serious challenges reported in previous years have been underscored by the country’s most severe political crisis since 2001 with intercepted communications, apparently involving senior government officials, suggesting breaches of fundamental rights, interference with judicial independence, media freedom and elections, as well as politicisation and corruption”.

The text concludes that the “inter-ethnic situation remains fragile.”

The review of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, which ended the 2001 conflict and provides the framework for the inter-ethnic relations, needs to be completed. ” the report said, adding that “events in Kumanovo still need to be fully investigated”.

The conditions to begin negotiations are to implement the Przhino Agreement fully and, secondly, to implement the necessary reforms.

The report in full, in English, can be read at this link.