North Macedonia starts reform of the tax system to decrease the tax evasion

Фатмир Бесими фото: МФ
Фатмир Бесими фото : МФ

North Macedonia this year will start a comprehensive reform of the tax system, with 13 set goals, 40+ activities, and numerous sub-activities chartered in the Action Plan for 2021 for the implementation of the Strategy for the Reform of the Tax Ssystem 2021-2025. The measures include analyses, application of models and experiences, accompanied by public debates and consultations, the Ministry of Finance announced.

The Action Plan’s concrete goals are the following: improvement of the current tax policy and its adjustment with the EU Aquis, securing a more just competition, analysis of the tax range, lowering the tax evasion and the tax debts, improvement of the institutions’ capacities, increasing transparency, improvement of control mechanisms, improvement of services and introduction of stimulae for environmental responsibility and Green taxation.

The five priorities that should be achieved with the implementation of the Action plan are bigger tax fairness, better efficiency and effectiveness of the tax incomes toward the collection of revenues, bigger tax transparency, bigger service quality, and the introduction of green “environmental” taxation.