Nimetz: I am ready to help Macedonia and Greece if necessary

The Prespa Agreement is a very important step for the region’s stability and relations between Macedonia and Greece, said UN special envoy, Matthew Nimetz, after a meeting with acting foreign minister, George Katrougalos.

-Obviously, the political process in both countries is making progress, and me as the UN envoy remain ready to help. If both sides need my help, the UN is ready to help – said Nimetz.

Katrougalos stressed that during the meeting with Nimetz he had said that “Greece’s dedication towards the spirit and the content of the Prespa Agreement, with the prerequisite, is of mutual dedication and it includes the other side”.

-We spoke about progress and certain issues that arose in the past period and I thanked him for the important contribution so far for, hopefully, a  final solution of this issue – said Katrougalos.