NGOs demand that inspections and political persecution stop

Today, NGOs called on the new government and institutions to immediately stop political pressure which, they say unfairly and deliberately exposed 20 CSOs since December, when VMRO-DPMNE called for the “persecution” of civil society organizations.

“We ask that the basis for the inspections are verified and the misconduct of political pressure and discrimination is investigated.We also ask that the decision by the current technical government is withdrawn to grant 800,000 euros to civil organizations, which the public heard for the first time in the publication of their names as recipients of government money – on behalf of 20 NGOs, Dona Kosturanova of the “Youth Educational Forum”, Filip Stojanovski from the “Metamorphosis” Foundation and Zekir Abdulov from organization KHAM – Delcevo.

They pointed out that in the past months these organizations were under constant pressure and inspections carried out by the Public Revenue Office, the Financial Police and the Interior Ministry, at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Financial Intelligence Agency and the State Anti-Corruption Commission.

Kosturanova said that so far a few fines were given, and the most impressionable was the example of KHAM – Delcevo, who now have to pay a 3,500 euro fine for personal income tax divided for humanitarian aid and interest due to late payment.

With the request for the persecution to stop, the informal coalition of NGOs requested that the decision of the current technical government is reviewed to distribute 800,000 euros to unknown CSOs, as the sum is the largest to date.

“The call was open amidst the political persecution of non-governmental organizations, while the same government wants to allocate funds higher than any they have separated for NGOs. While last year, they signed contracts of 5,000 euros, and now that has increased to 50,000 euros. For all of these reasons, we ask that the decision on awarding public funds to be revised as soon as possible”, said Stojanovski.