Correspondents High school students Albanians joined the boycott in Tetovo

High school students Albanians joined the boycott in Tetovo

By boycotting classes and a protest gathering in the town square, the students of first and second year who attend classes in Albanian language in Tetovo high school “Kiril Pejchinovik” expressed their revolt against external testing. The gathering was attended by about 200 students, who carried banners with slogans “Stop external testing” and “We won’t give up” in Albanian.

– Students from Macedonian classes started, and we continue with protests against external testing. We will continue to protest because the Ministry of Education cannot obtain an insight into how we learned throughout the school year by carrying out only one test – explains a high school student.

According to some participants of the protest, external testing is absurd because the test contains questions to which there is no response, and to assess the knowledge of a student, it is necessary to also consider his activities throughout the year. The participants of the protest say they will continue to boycott classes in the following days, but within the high school.

Students who attend classes in Macedonian language continue to partially boycott classes, as they say, due to the pressures from the directors and management of schools.