Main Section MOST: Group votings and photographing ballots were registered

MOST: Group votings and photographing ballots were registered

Family and group voting, problems caused by unauthorized persons and photographing ballots were registered at several polling stations until 13:00 hours, report civil organization Most’s observers.

“At voting station 1471, in the village of Debreshte, municipality Dolneni, 9 cases of family voting were reported as 27 votes were misused. Additionally, at the same location, two cases were registered where the persons who were providing their assistance to the voters, who couldn’t have done that by themselves, weren’t registered in the polling station’s registry book. In the same municipality, but at the polling station 1472, 9 cases of group voting were registered, where 20 votes were misused” reports Most.

In the municipality of Shuto Orizari, an unauthorized person has been agitating at a polling station and there was a case when a ballot was photographed.