Macedonian intellectuals have sent a letter of support to the Embassies of the EU and USA

A group of Macedonian university professors, intellectuals, analysts, former high-ranking government officials and diplomats have sent a letter of support to the embassies of the United States of America and the countries-members of the European Union.

In the letter, they addressed the U.S. Congress and the European Commission with “the aim of defending the principles of parliamentary democracy on which our country is based upon since it declared its independence in 1991 and which during the 11 years under the rulership of Nikola Gruevski’s clique it grew into an autocratic regime with a hybrid political system.”

“We are even more confused by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ quick reaction which without knowing the situation in R. of Macedonia quickly accused the Western countries of some sort of interference into Macedonia’s internal affairs and its destabilization. The citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, regardless of their ethnic, religious and political determination stand together regarding our country’s membership into European and Euro-Atlantic integrations. We stand firm to the opinion that for Macedonia there aren’t any other alternatives but this one”, stated the end of the letter which was signed by 23 Macedonian intellectuals, among which are university professors such as Milčo Panovski, Osman Kadriu, Ljubomir Frčkovski, Mersel Biljali, Jove Kekenovski, Borče Davitkovski, Aurora Karameti, and Mersim Maksuti.