Kocijancic for “Meta”: We encourage the new Government to conduct credible elections

The Commission recalls the utmost importance of the parties implementing the political agreement that they reached last June/July, in order to return the country to its Euro-Atlantic path. The work of the Special Prosecutor, for instance, is vital to restore confidence in the rule of law, said the European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic to “Meta”, adding that the work of the Special Prosecutor is vital to restore confidence in the rule of law.

“We note the resignation of the former Prime Minister and encourage the new government to address not only the political agreement but also other urgent reforms. We note the decision of the Parliament to dissolve itself next month, with a view to elections on the date agreed in the political agreement (24 April), but also recall that the holding of credible elections involves the implementation of the necessary reforms. We expect all political parties and state bodies to cooperate to address outstanding issues and to immediately provide the necessary support to the State Electoral Commission, (an independent body, established by the Parliament by consensus) in order to ensure the conditions for credible elections.” stated Kocijancic, adding that the international community will not hesitate to express its concerns on the preparation for elections and the conduct of the campaign, which it is watching closely.

Kocijancic said that Brussels believes that there is still room and time to implement the necessary electoral reforms in order to have fair elections.

“At this stage, we believe (OSCE/ ODHIR share this assessment ) that it is still possible to do the necessary reforms for credible and democratic elections, provided that the necessary reforms are made. But it all depends on the progress achieved and this is why we will review the work done, especially on the voter’s list by mid-February. We will do this with all concerned (the European Commission, EU, MS, ODHIR, SEC and local representatives) in order to assess whether the conditions for credible elections will be in place for the date foreseen”, said Kocijancic.

Regarding the media law, where working groups came to a standstill in implementing the Przhino Agreement, Kocijancic called on all political parties to work together to implement the necessary reforms.

“The Commission has repeatedly made clear its important concerns about media freedom, freedom of expression and quality of journalism. The Commission invites all those involved to work together and to achieve progress on the necessary reforms, in line with European standards”, said Kocijancic.