Kasami – Plomp: The SPO’s mandate should be extended and special courts should be formed

The founder and President of the Besa movement, Bilal Kasami, met with Ambassador of the Netherlands, Wouter Plomp, where they discussed the conditions for the eventual participation of Besa in the constitution of the new government.

“We demand that the mandate of the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office is extended, a possibility to establish a special court and return Macedonia on its path of European integration so we can normally function as a state again. This is what we discussed with the Ambassador of the Netherlands, Wouter Plomp. We stated our point of view and our thoughts”, said Kasami.

Kasami said Besa will not encourage the voters of Tearce for whom to vote for on Sunday and that the battle will be between VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM.