Kalajdziev is called for police questioning for participating in protests

The President of the Macedonian Helsinki Committee and well known law professor at St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Gordan Kalajdziev at 9:00 this morning was summoned for questioning by the police regarding his participation in the protests and the “Colourful Revolution” movement.

Police officers waited for Kalajdziev outside his home, reported “Deutsche Welle”, and was then handed a summons for a police interview.

“This is some sort of own goal by a totalitarian government. They are calling people for questioning, who are fighting for justice and a legal state, while the real criminals walk free and are protected by the police. The reason for the summons for the police interview literally states “taking part in protests”. Participating in protests is not constitutionally forbidden. I assume I will be accused of throwing paint, and my answer to that would be that it is necessary in these times to defend the rule of law, because the citizens do not have other means in their struggle. The “damage” caused by the paint is symbolic, it costs less than the coup which was applied to Macedonia”, said Kalajdziev to”Deutsche Welle”.