EU report: UBK was alpha and omega in the country

EU experts’ report notes serious shortcomings in five areas: interception of communications, judiciary and prosecution, external oversight by independent bodies, elections and media, reports “A1on”.

The report reads that the recordings of wiretapped conversations, according to content, indicate that they are made at the National Intelligence Service.

“The content of many of the recordings suggests indications of illegal activity and abuse of power by senior government officials. The reasons for the protracted scandal in the Republic of Macedonia are concentrated in the power in the National Security Service (UBK) and misuse of the mechanism for supervision of UBK,” reads the EU report.

As the report says, according to an outside observer, UBK operates beyond its legal mandate on behalf of the government to control the holders of senior posts in public administration, prosecutors, judges and political opponents, and consequently interfere in the independence of the judiciary and other national institutions.

“Familial association between high positioned politicians and high officials in UBK and the Public Prosecutor’s Office create a risky environment for conflict of interest,” it was noted in the report.

Regarding external oversight, it is mentioned that there is a system of parliamentary oversight in the form of commission to supervise the work of the Security and Intelligence Agency, but it never started functioning properly.