Main Section Ivanova: We are considering a census and door to door count for...

Ivanova: We are considering a census and door to door count for eligible voters

Active registration of voters, conducting a census and door to door counting, are the options that were put on the table during the Action group’s meeting, directed at implementing the Przhino Agreement.

According to Cvetanka Ivanova of SDSM who was part of the Action group of this party, the participants had discussed all options but they haven’t gone into detail as to which option they will adopt.

– If we are talking about active registration of voters, we are looking for it to be mandatory. There are few options, however, so we will put forward our decision after we go over all of them- said Ivanova for Meta.

She informs that SDSM agrees that the Diaspora should keep voting, but there should be an equalization of votes.

We reported yesterday that during the Action group’s meeting at the Parliament’s Club, party representatives talked about active registration and the use of fingerprint to identify and register voters for the next elections, which have been scheduled for April next year.

According to unofficial information, this means that several months before the elections, voters will be called to register, which is going to form the new election list.

Sources say the party representatives are bargaining whether the registration should be mandatory or voluntary.