Ivanov in Krushevo, Gruevski in Skopje, Zaev in Pelince for the Day of the Republic – Ilinden

Prime Minister Gruevski is going to be in Skopje and the President of Republic of Macedonia George Ivanov will give his August 2- Day of the Republic remarks in Krushevo. The President of the Assembly Trajko Veljanoski will speak from Pelince.

The leader of SDSM Zoran Zaev and his delegation will visit Pelince on the same occasion. The deputy President of the party, Radmila Shekerinska will be in Krushevo and their Vice President Damjan Manchevski in Skopje

According to the designated protocol Gruevski will lay flowers in front of the monuments of ASNOM, Metodija Andonov-Chento and Nikola Karev and afterwards he will give a speech.

From the President’s cabinet they announce that for August 2 Mr. Ivanov will attend the main celebration of the state holiday Iliden in Krushevo.

According to the tradition, the President will lay flowers on the grave of Nikola Karev, at the monument of heroes named Sliva. Following that he will attend a memorial service in the church Saint Nikola.

Overall, the President will attend the national assembly at Mechkin Kamen where he will show his respect in front of the monument dedicated to the guardians of the Krushevo Republic.

As part of the celebration of the national holiday Ilinden, the President will attend the inauguration of the Scientific-cultural meeting titled “Ten Days of the Krushevo Republic, 2015” on the public square in Krushevo.