MKD Ivanov is travelling to Russia to receive an award from the Russian...

Ivanov is travelling to Russia to receive an award from the Russian Patriarch

The president of the Republic of Macedonia will be having a working visit to the Russian federation, tomorrow and today, announces the president’s cabinet. The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church will award Ivanov at the “Christ the Saviour” church in Moscow with “His excellence the Patriarch of Moscow and the whole of Russia, Alexy II” for 2016.

Apart from the Macedonian president, others who will be awarded are the mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin and the chief of the Coptic church, the patriarch Tawardos the Second. The award is given by the International social foundation for the unity of the orthodox nations, for extraordinary activities towards the strengthening of the unity among the orthodox nations and for promoting Christian values in life and society.
The previous international activity of the Macedonian president was the visit of Jordan. He was attending the World economic forum for the Middle east and Western Africa that took place in Aman.