In the last 8 years, the number of graduated students has fallen by 1/4

Фото: Арбнора Мемети

Last year, a total number of 7,874 students have graduated from higher education institutions in North Macedonia, which is an increase by 2.2% since 2018. Most of them, 5,845 have graduated at state colleges against 2,004 students who graduated at private colleges. On the other hand, 25 persons have graduated at the colleges of theology. The statistic shows that out of the total number, 36% have graduated on time, while 63% have graduated after the deadline.

It is noticeable that last year, larger number of students have graduated at private colleges compared to 2018, while the number of those who graduated at state colleges is smaller compared to two years ago.

Graduated students in 2019 at a state college : 5,845
Graduated students in 2018 at a state college: 6,204

Graduated students in 2019 at a private college: 2,004
Graduated students in 2018 at a private college: 1,472

During the period 2012-2019, a total of 70,557 persons have finished undergraduate studies, or an average of 8,800 students annually. Most of them (54,749) graduated at state colleges, while 168 have graduated at the colleges of theology.

In its latest report, the State Audit Institute, appeals that it is necessary to improve the system of financing and the quality of higher education. The auditors have determined that the state organs assigned for implementing the education policy and the employment policy aren’t effective enough to insure the employment of the highly educated personnel at the labor market in RNM.