Health Minister Filipche: The safety measures must be observed, I will not allow lack of hospital beds

Фото: Арбнора Мехмети, Мета.мк

The Health Minister of North Macedonia, Venko Filipche, said that with yesterday’s rise of the number of new cases of COVID-19, it is evident that the country is experiencing the anticipated “Autumn wave” of the epidemic.

“Even though many didn’t believe in the announcements that it will happen, still the expectations were proven to be real. At the moment, the whole of Europe is facing a new crisis and more countries have strict restrictions and new measures. I understand that people are tired of this situation and that we are fed up with the coronavirus. But, believe me, the health workers are even more tired. For seven months they have been working day and night to keep the situation under control. The whole management and the Commission for Infectious Diseases will give its best to prepare protocols in the forthcoming period, to reorganize the system, and to be ready for the autumn period. As a minister, I will not allow for the health system to be overburdened and to have a lack of sickbeds. I will not let my colleagues falter due to fatigue,” said Filipche.

He stressed that restrictions and various measures will be imposed anytime when it seems that it is the only way to protect the system and the public health.