Main Section Happy government mathematics: 49+10+5+3 or 49+10+5+3+2 or 51+10+2 or 51+10+3+2?

Happy government mathematics: 49+10+5+3 or 49+10+5+3+2 or 51+10+2 or 51+10+3+2?

After the State Election Commission (SEC) announced that after the revote in Tearce, the ratio of the new parliament between VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM remains 51-49, deadlines for forming a new government are ticking,while other certain combinations and mathematical formulas are taking place concerning who the figure 61 MPs.

While awaiting the official and final results, the parties from the early parliamentary elections who won seats are as follows:

VMRO-DPMNE – 51; SDSM – 49; DUI – 10; Besa Movement – 5: Albanian Alliance – 3 and DPA – 2.

Bear in mind, the possible (and most probable) four scenarios:

  1.  A Government coalition between SDSM, DUI, Besa Movement and the Albanian Alliance with a majority of 67 seats in Parliament (49 + 10 + 5 + 3);
  2.  A Government coalition between SDSM, DUI, Besa Movement, the Albanian Alliance, and DPA, which will have a majority of 69 seats (49 + 10 + 5 + 3 + 2);
  3.  A Government coalition between VMRO-DPMNE, DUI and DPA with a majority of 63 seats (51 + 10 + 2);
  4.  A Government coalition with VMRO-DPMNE, DUI and the Albanian Alliance with 66 seats (51 + 10 + 3 + 2);

This is “happy” mathematics and possible combinations for a possible government coalition, however, what we should keep in mind is that the Besa Movement have categorically stated that there is no way they would enter a coalition with DUI.

The DUI leader Ali Ahmeti last week tried to gather all the Albanian parties that won seats to meet. The meeting eventually resulted in a common platform where they will enter negotiations with the parties from the Macedonian bloc for future government coalitions.

Zoran Zaev, the SDSM leader last week urged Albanian parties not to enter a coalition with VMRO-DPMNE. He repeatedly stated that concept of SDSM won in the elections, democratic change in the country won and that Macedonia “will get a government that will work in the interest of all citizens in the country,” while hinting openly that he would be the new Prime Minister.

Identical tones are coming from VMRO-DPMNE, where they too claim to be the winners of elections and remain “committed to the future steps of forming a new government,” whose composition and mandate, as previously announced, belongs to the leader of the party, Nikola Gruevski.