Hahn: Only full implementation of the Przhino Agreement will allow free and fair elections

Only full implementation of the Przhino Agreement will allow free and fair elections to be held in April, said EU Commissioner for Enlargement Johannes Hahn, at today’s conference in Brussels, “Speak up” (“speak” or “Raise your voice”) on the media situation in the Western Balkans and Turkey.

The Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations said that elections in April 2016 will be overseen by a huge number of representatives from international organizations and institutions such as ODIHR, Council of Europe, the European Commission or the European Parliament.

“We reached an agreement with the political parties and that agreement should be applied “ said Hahn, adding that the whole negotiating process should bring fair and free and democratic elections.

Hahn asked the media and non-governmental organizations to contribute in the realization of the Przhino Agreement..

Earlier the Commissioner at the opening of the conference, said that media freedom is essential to the expansion of the European Union and added that works still needs to be done on freedom of expression in the media in potential EU member states.