Hahn on “Twitter”: We will provide support for free and fair elections

EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn this morning wrote on his Twitter account that regardless of the decision of the political parties, the EU will provide fair elections.

“I would like to assure citizens that no matter what the final decision of the political parties will be, we will provide full support to ensure free and fair elections,” wrote Hahn.

Last night the four political parties, signatories to the Przhino Agreement with Commissioner Hahn, US Ambassador Jess Bailey, EU Ambassador Aivo Orav and Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte failed to agree on a date for the early parliamentary elections.

VMRO-DPMNE, DUI and DPA are all in agreement for the elections to be held on April 24, while SDSM are against it, because they consider that they’re no conditions for free and fair elections.