Gruevski: The SPO are Zaev’s Magical Goldfish

The work of the Special Public Prosecution is a political calculation, said the former Prime Minister and leader of the VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski, in an interview with the Serbian newspaper “Politika”.

“I am even being accused of wanting to leave the country. The SPO should be independent, but now they are fulfilling Zoran Zaev’s wishes like a magic goldfish. His only and biggest wish is to eliminate me as an opponent. The people know who has worked honestly, who has stolen and who has manipulated. It is really unpleasant when you hear this person, who has been pardoned for serious crimes, an issue over a hefty 8 million euros, publicly talking about the next steps of the prosecution”, says Gruevski.

He goes on to point out that Zoran Zaev is not only the chief advisor, but he is also the principal officer of the SPO.

“It is particularly humiliating for an institution who are meant to be an independent body, professional and non-selective. Now, based on his orders they are attempting to create cases. He has fallen to the level where he has to pay lawyers to defend him in the media. No lawyers, apart from those payed by Zaev and the SPO, will say that part of their case is viable in court”, says Gruevski, and he added that the SPO had the chance to leave its mark and sort out the edited wiretapped affair, but they chose the easier path, the path that leads to Zaev, and they will tarnishe their repuation by leaving the law and and involving themselves in politics.