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Gruevski: Soros should meet with Katica Janeva to see who we have to deal with

“VMRO-DPMNE will outlive Soros and his foreign and domestic servants and his mercenaries”, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, in the fourth installment of his “mega-interview” for the online edition of the weekly news portal “Republika“.

Gruevski said that as a party, for a long time they had been a silent observer of the accusations made by some Albanian politicians, mostly because of their inability to fulfil promises to the Albanian electorate, and they always blame those issues on the account of VMRO-DPMNE, as a larger partner in government.

“I am not making assumptions, I know this. Some Albanian politicians have admitted this to me, informally. And all this, not only was it inaccurate but no one denies it”, said Gruevski, adding that the issue led to some initiatives within the party a year or two ago, but they found no support, which continued to contribute to create a fake black picture between Albanians and VMRO-DPMNE.

In the interview, he also talks about the Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva, and says she is a “mercenary for the Soros machinery and they have harnessed her to work against VMRO-DPMNE and Macedonia, where she serves distorted reports on the situation, which work in favour of the SDSM”.

“Does Soros even know that he has been supporting the former communist party in Macedonia for 25 years, and all they have achieved is changing the name and nothing more. This party, whose officials in communism were collaborators and informants of the secret services and because of them, thousands of people spent years in prison because they expressed a different political opinion than the official regime, and among them was his longtime confidante here in Macedonia, Vladimir Milčin … Is Soros aware that under his umbrella organization they have engaged all the active former agents of the Yugoslav secret police, UDBA, from the era of communism and with them, he wants to instill democracy. These people, who made their living and flourished in the careers by political snitching, today have been harnessed as part of his mercenary machinery, to work against VMRO-DPMNE and against Macedonia”, said Gruevski.

In the interview, he asks whether Soros “has ever sat with the Special Prosecutor to talk with her and to see who he has working for him”.

“Let the Special Prosecutor tell him how she requested no court hearings for a whole month, so she could organize her daughter’s wedding and how she made sure her SDSM membership card was signed personally by Branko Crvenkovski, as well as her transaction payments of party membership fees by bank transfer, so if she wants, she can call a graphologist from America to compare Crvenkovski’s signature in her party membership card to any of his other official signatures. Let him see how she runs away from the media who are not controlled by SDSM, or under his control. Let him see her legendary interview with MRTV where she had to say a simple sentence six times, or the charges she filed against me for allegedly slapping someone, where no-one was slapped and to go to trial without basic evidence, aiming to compromise us by parading us in and out of court. Let him hear her crude and uncouth screams in courts, wanting to hide her ignorance and incompetence behind her increased tone in implementing political and partisan motivated trials…”, said Gruevski.