Gruevski on Facebook: The election of Xhaferi as Speaker is a dictatorial act

Talat Xhaferi came into office as Parliament Speaker by brutally violating the Constitution, the laws and the Rules and Regulations of Parliament and everything in the future that he will participate in, and everything with his signature will be the result of a dictatorial act by appointing him Speaker of Parliament”, wrote today on Facebook the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski.

“In a democratic society, the rule of the majority is not based on the principle of the rule of law, actually, it represents a “dictatorship”. Not one democratic government in the world is allowed to be elected by violating the principle of the rule of law. It is the beginning of a dictatorship. Many authoritarian governments have been recognized by democratic systems, for one reason or another. It will not change the picture. Nor that they had a majority, for which there was no records, counting, transcripts, etc. For unlawful and unconstitutional act”, Gruevski wrote on his Facebook profile.