MKD Freedom House: Macedonia remains in the group of partially free countries

Freedom House: Macedonia remains in the group of partially free countries

Macedonia still remains in the group of partially free countries, according to the latest report “Freedom in the World 2019” issued by Freedom House. This country remains with a total rate of 3.5 on a scale where 1 is the freest and 7 is the least free society.

With a score of 59 points, Macedonia finds its place in the group of partially free countries. On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is the freest and 7 is the least free, it is ranked with three while according to political rights it has a score of 4 while according to civil rights it has a score of 3.5.

In the region, Macedonia is behind Slovenia, Greece, Croatia and Bulgaria, and a little bit behind Serbia, Montenegro and Albania and is better than Kosovo and Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Out of 195 countries in the world, according to the report’s results, 86 are free, 59 are partially free while 50 are not free.