For B92 and Kosovo Online, Hazbi Lika is still a Vice President of the Government

One of the best known Serbian informative websites B92 on Saturday 28th of September published an information about the pre-election campaign on Kosovo where Hazbi Lika was presented as a Vice President of the government led by Zoran Zaev.

B92’s information was completely taken over by Kosovo Online website and refers to pre-election rallies by the Democratic Party of Kosovo led by Kadri Vejseli at Kachanik and Uroshevac.

There is a quote that states that Lika has said that the connections that were built during hard times cannot be forgotten.

“The citizens are aware that the road we built to connect Prishtina to Skopje is more than a promise. It is proof that we from both sides of the border have not forgotten our people” allegedly Lika has said, quoted by Kosovo Online.

Nowhere can be found that Hazbi Lika isn’t a Vice President anymore nor is a member of the NM’s Government. He was appointed on this position in June 2017 when Zaev formed a government with DUI and he was in charge of the implementation of the Framework agreement i.e. a Head of the Secretariat of the Implementation of the Framework Agreement and a Vice Prime Minister. But in June 2019, Zoran Zaev made a reconstruction of the government and the Secretariat was renamed as Ministry for Political System and relations among ethnic communities and Sadula Duraki was appointed as a minister.

. Меѓутоа, на крајот од јуни и почетокот на јули 2019 г. Зоран Заев направи реконструкција на Владата, при што Секретаријатот беше преименуван во Министерство за политички систем и односи меѓу заедниците, а за министер беше поставен Садула Дураки, кој на првата седница на Владата беше именуван и за заменик претседател.