MKD One of the seven arrested in action ‘Molnja’ was planning attacks in...

One of the seven arrested in action ‘Molnja’ was planning attacks in Skopje

One of the seven arrested in the police operation today what is now known by its operational name “Molnja”, according to information from the MOI, while being shot at in Divo Naselje on the 9th of May, had plans to mobilize the group and launched attacks in several locations in Skopje, said the Assistant Minister of Interior ,Ivo Kotevski at a press conference.

As Kotevski announced earleir, other police operations were being conducted in villages Otlja Brest, Aracinovo and Matejche. The suspects, according to the Interior Ministry, are accused of aiding a terrorist organization, and terrorism.

MOI on the orders of a judge from the preliminary procedure raided five locations in Otlja, two in the village of Brest and a Matejče, where according to Kotevski found Greater Albania Maps, and UCK uniforms , frames bullets, metal detectors, bullets, handcuffs and photos of members of the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army).

According to Ivo Koteski, during the campaign, there were no recorded incidents. He added that most of the suspects were previously known to the police and most of them had criminal charges, and some already had been handed prison sentences.
The arrested suspects had contacts with groups from Divo Naselje and Goshince but did not participate in the attacks, but acted as facilitators and helped in logistics.