Correspondents Movement for reforms in DPA: The “Telecom” affair proves the difficult situation...

Movement for reforms in DPA: The “Telecom” affair proves the difficult situation for Albanians in Macedonia

According to the current reforms of the DPA (Democratic Party for Albanians) the situation has become difficult for the Albanians in Macedonia after affair “Telekom”, and the evidence the court in New York has announced. People in DUI, such as Ali Ahmeti and Musa Xhaferi, the highest ranking within the Party have been mentioned.

According to the movement of reforms, the Special Prosecutor, and current negotiations are being conducted, it will not eradicate the oligarchy which has deep roots in our domestic courts, and amongst them are DUI.

“As you can see 2,5 million is the price for betrayal these days as such a large price of the non-implementation of the Ohrid Agreement. We want Macedonia to have special European courts, which can be solve the crime in the country – said Naim Bajrami in a statement. Mr Bajrami is a member of the central leadership in the movement for the reform of the DPA.

Since the movement for reforms, the DPA consider that only the Albanian people can punish Dui the ruling Party with their vote.

“We do not expect the system, which was, and remains a place where Albanians can buy their freedom. we expect that they punish its clients Ali Ahmeti and Musa Xhaferi. We expect the Albanians of Macedonia tp turn their backs on them, that’s why they should be punished because they sold our blood for 5 million euros”, said Bajrami.

According to the movement for reform by the DPA, DUI’s silence concerning the affair “Telecom”, have not issued a single statement on the matter, this is proof and confirmation of this affair, and the people involved are the highest officials and MP’s in the ruling party, DUI.(Who are an Albanian party in coalition with the ruling party)