Rain interrupts autumn sowing in Pelagonia

Torrential rains disrupted the autumn sowing in some parts of Pelagonija. Representatives of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Agriculture in Bitola said that the ninth channel poured out and the water caused problems to the crop.
– 40 to 50 acres of fertile land are under water, therefore the autumn sowing cannot proceed. So far, only half of the 25,000 hectares were sown with wheat and autumn crops. The moisture in the soil also stops the harvest of corn, which has been done on only 10 percent of the area. This is expected, given the fact that 70 liters of rain per square meter fell in Pelagonija during this month – says Ilija Srbinovski, head of the Ministry of Agriculture in Bitola.
Representatives of the Directorate for Protection and Rescue in Bitola are already on the field and intervene in critical areas, and, according to them, there is no danger of spillage of Crna Reka.
Last night, 35 liters per square meter fell in the city and river Dragor is filled with water as when the snow melts in spring. Representatives of Public Enterprise “Niskogradba” say that during the whole day they are cleaning manholes throughout the city that are clogged with leaves in order to make the water flow and to facilitate the movement of pedestrians and motorists on the roads.