Main Section The Przhino Agreement can fail due to misinterpretation and poor translation

The Przhino Agreement can fail due to misinterpretation and poor translation

The biggest problem between the political parties, which are apparently on a “good path” to overturn the Przhino Agreement, is the law on the moratorium on the “Bombs” and the law on the Government.

VMRO-DPMNE require the law for a moratorium on the “bombs” to include all recorded materials and insists on prison sentences for the media if they publish any of the material. SDSM, however, are against this proposal and advocate change only in the Criminal Code, which would increase the penalties for possession of intercepted materials.

UN mediator Peter Vanhoutte in the negotiations said that law must be made according to European standards.

“The Act for the “Bombs” should be in accordance with International and European standards, and this is most important right now. You can make legislation only if you have the ambition to become a Member State of the EU, and your legislation should be in line with European standards. What will the law look like, we have yet to see, it is up to the the working groups to decide – said the Belgian facilitator.

According to VMRO-DPMNE, the Ministers that will enter the new government, under the Przhino Agreement insist that they only be ‘technical’ persons, without more power and responsibilities. SDSM are sticking to their stance, they want all cabinet ministers to have more power.

Also, the ruling party want Deputy Ministers to have the right to use their veto on all matters, while SDSM insists that Deputy Ministers should only have the right to veto on matters related to elections.

These issues have developed, evidently because of the different interpretation of the Przhino Agreement. And here’s what the Macedonian version predicts (translations by the Macedonian Centre for European Training – MCET):

Точка 6, став 1:
На 20 октомври 2015, нов министер за внатрешни работи ќе биде именуван на предлог од СДСМ, а по спроведени консултации со ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и со ДУИ. Министерот кој ќе биде именуван ќе ја врши функцијата како техничко лице (функционер).

In English:

On 20 October 2015, a new Minister of Interior shall be appointed upon nomination by SDSM and after consultation with VMRO-DPMNE and DUI. This Minister shall be a technical appointment.

Regarding the intercepted recordings in Macedonian (again according to MCET) the following is:

Oбјавувањето на дополнителни материјали од прислушувањето ќе запре. По враќањето на СДСМ во Собранието, сите материјали што ги поседува СДСМ или кој било друг чинител ќе бидат предадени на јавниот обвинител за негово итно постапување.

In English:
With immediate effect there shall be no futher publication of any wiretap material. Upon the SDSM’s return to parliament, all of the material in possession the SDSM or any other actor will be handed over to the publik prosecutor for immediate action.

The whole text of the Agreement in Macedonian you can find here

The whole text of the Agreement in English you can find here

The whole text of the Agreement in Albanian you can find here